NZ Youth and Porn 2
Interviews with Young New Zealanders
Contractor: Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC)
Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder, Sue Bagshaw, Kelly Whyte, Henry Talbot, Phil Siataga, Wiremu Grey
This qualitative project was undertaken in partnership with the Classification Office as part of a broader research project they undertook to understand the size and scope of pornography use by young New Zealanders, including how old young people are when they first see pornography and the types of pornography young people see. This project follows the OLFCs NZ Youth and Porn Survey conducted in 2018 and explored young people’s perceptions of pornography use in more depth. The findings of this study and the broader research project helped to inform the work of the Classification Office, particularly in their restriction and classification roles, and has been shared across government and non government agencies to help inform policy and practice in this area.
The final report can be read here.
This research project was awarded the Supreme Award from the European Society for Opinion and Market Research for Research Effectiveness, as well as the award for the best Social and Community research.
Ngā Haerenga | Youth Transition Journeys
Exploring young people’s experiences and journeys as they leave Oranga Tamariki
Contractor: Oranga Tamariki
Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder and Cheyenne Scown
A multi-site 3-year project with research teams in Waikato and Pōneke, the purpose of this study is to build understanding of the experiences and perceptions of young people leaving the care of Oranga Tamariki (and their whānau), including their aspirations and intentions, their needs, and the range of actions, experiences and trajectories as they transition into adulthood.
Currently in our third year, the Ōtautahi arm of this study is being undertaken by Sarah Wylie and Cheyenne Scown, while Cheyenne Brown and Ria Schroder are the Lead Coordinators across all research sites.
YouthWorkers in School
7-Year 4-Phase Evaluation Project
Contractor: 24/4 YouthWorkers
Project Team: Nicky Morton, Ria Schroder, Mark Turner
This evaluation project is phase 4 of the series of evaluation undertaken on the 24-7 YouthWorker in Schools programme.
The programme has already evaluated the perceptions of students and adults involved with 24-7 YouthWorkers. Young people in schools were evaluated in 2014 and 2017 and key adult stakeholders, such as school principals, teachers and counsellors in 2015.
Sharing Hope
Co-creating Understandings of What Gives Young People Hope
Funder: Oakley Mental Health Research Foundation, suicide prevention research
This Collaborative Trust project investigated what gives young people hope and how can hope be fostered. The study recruited young people to be participant researchers and co-create a qualitative pilot study using Participatory Action Research methods. The project enabled an exploration of young people’s understandings of hope and how these can be used to inform and support the healthy development of young people. Read the report here.
Young People’s Use of Social Media in Times of Mental Health Crisis
Online youth behaviour survey analysis
Contractor: Zeal Education Trust
Research Team: Nicola Morton, Ria Schroder
This project involved analysing and writing up the data of the 2nd online survey designed and conducted by Zeal New Zealand. This survey examined young New Zealanders aged 12-24 years social media use. A particular focus of this survey was on social media use in relation to mental health crisis.
A Place to Call Home
Social housing and its impact on the wellbeing of children and their families
Funder: Wayne Francis Charitable Trust
Project Team: Jane Higgins, Hazel Phillips, Sharon Gardner, Janet Spittlehouse, Daisy Lavea-Timo
Wayne Francis Charitable Trust (WFCT) and Christchurch Methodist Mission (CMM) are undertaking a joint project called A Place to Call Home focused on taking a community development lens to social housing and the impact on the wellbeing of children and their families. The purpose of the research is to test an assumption that ‘an intentional community development focus within a new social housing development has a positive impact on children, whānau and the community, as well as cost benefit in the long term to the state.’
Cheviot Youth Wellbeing Needs Analysis
Feasibility of developing a Youth Wellbeing Hub
Contractor: Cheviot Area School
Project Team: Sarah Wylie and Michelle Cole
This project carried out a community-led community wellbeing needs analysis for the Cheviot Area School catchment area. The project assessed the need for and design of initiatives to promote the healthy development of Hurunui youth (12-24 years) and about the possibility and feasibility of developing a Youth Wellbeing Hub in the Cheviot area.
Project Search Systems Change Research
Online youth behaviour survey analysis
Contractor: CCS Disability Action – Project Search
Research Team: Louise Tapper, Jane Higgins and Ria Schroder
The aim of this project is to examine and document systems and system change that has enabled the set up and undertaking of Project Search Canterbury. Project Search is an employer led one year employment preparation programme for young people with significant disabilities.
Evaluation of New Zealand Army Leadership Development
Evaluation of the leadership development activities and course
Contractor: New Zealand Defence Force
Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
The Collaborative Trust undertook an evaluation of the New Zealand Army Leadership Centre’s Experiential Leadership Development Activities (ELDA) and the Institute of Leader Development Lead Integrated Capability (LIC) Course.
Greater Christchurch Youth Alcohol Strategy
Key Stakeholder Consultation
Contractor: Health Promotion Agency (HPA)
Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Tayla Reece, Olivia Dowd, Ria Schroder
This qualitative project focused on gathering key stakeholder opinions about the main points and processes that should be contained within a Greater Christchurch Youth Alcohol Strategy. These were gathered from three key groups of stakeholders including young people, parents/caregivers and people who work with young people.
Other Research & Evaluation Projects
The Collaborative Trust Research arm has undertaken many different types of research. They can be youth led, community led or driven by the needs of the organisation. We undertake both formative and outcomes evaluation and show organisations how to undertake their own evaluation. Our researchers are experts in working with young people both in quantitative survey methodology and in qualitative interviews that add rich in depth information to add to the numbers. We can focus on many topic areas including mental health, leadership, parenting, impact of disasters and how efficacious processes are working. One-off evaluations or ongoing evaluations that monitor progress over time can also be undertaken. Listed below are some examples of research and evaluation undertaken in these areas.
Community Led Projects
CanCERN Find and Fix Review
Contractor: CanCERN
Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder
The Let’s Find and Fix campaign was a community led project (CanCERN) conducted in partnership with the Insurance Council of New Zealand, CERA, EQC, Community Energy Action, Red Cross and CEAT. The aim of the campaign was to identify people in Canterbury requiring temporary repairs as a result of the Canterbury earthquakes and to enable those repairs to happen. A review of the project was conducted by The Collaborative for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development in conjunction with staff at CanCERN in late 2014.

Process Evaluation
Cholmondeley Children’s Centre Outcomes Framework and Implementation
Contractor: Cholmondeley Children’s Centre | Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Nicky Morton, Ria Schroder
Over two projects, we both designed and assisted with the implementation of an outcomes framework that would allow the capture of relevant data and meaningful evaluation of their service for the purposes of ongoing internal improvement and external reporting.
Alternative Education Futures Project Literature Synthesis and Development of Theory of Change
Contractor: Te Ora Hou, Otautahi | Project Team: Jane Higgins, Sarah McKay, Sarah Wylie, Nicky Morton, Ria Schroder
The aim of this project was to establish an evidence base of the core components of successful AE initiatives, identify gaps in this evidence base and make recommendations for future research/evaluation and to map current work being done by the AE Futures team and depict in a Theory of Change model.
Puāwai Project
Contractor: Leadership Lab for LinC | Project Team: Sarah McKay
Puāwai was a nine-month programme about developing leadership skills for rangatahi to enable them to contribute to their community. The aim of this project was to provide specialist evaluation support to the internal monitoring process.

Experts Interviewing Young People
Youth Guarantees Pathways and Profile Project (YGPPP)
Contractor: Community Colleges New Zealand | Research Team: Adelaide Reid, Sarah McKay, Mark Turner,
Joseph Boden, Ria Schroder
Funded by Ako Aotearoa, this longitudinal study which began in 2015 gathered the perspectives of young foundation learners enrolled in the Youth Guarantees scheme and their PTEs to explore the sustainable benefits of foundation education for young people in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Young People and Online Disclosure of Mental Health Crisis
Contractor: Zeal Education Trust | Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Nicky Morton, Elizabeth Wilson, Ria Schroder
The aim of this research was to explore the phenomenon of young people disclosing mental health crisis via social media and online, and what the best responses to such disclosure might be from young peoples’ perspectives. The phenomenon of disclosure of mental health crisis via social media, and the role of social media for young people more generally, is being be explored through a scan of prior research literature and through interviews with young people in New Zealand.
Our Constitution Survey - Changing the rules in New Zealand: Views of Young People aged 12-25 years on our constitution
Contractor: Youth Law Auckland | Research Team: Candace Bobier, Ria Schroder, Sue Bagshaw, Mira Taitz
The government asked the Constitutional Advisory Panel to talk with New Zealanders about how they want the country to be run in the future. In an effort to provide the Panel with the views of young people aged 12-25 years on this issue, the Collaborative Trust and Youth Law created an on online survey via SurveyMonkey© consisting of several key questions posed by the Constitutional Conversation including questions on: electoral matters, New Zealand’s constitution, the Bill of Rights Act, the Treaty of Waitangi, and Māori representation in government.
Perceptions by Year 13 Focus Groups of Qualifications Offered by Lincoln University
Contractor: Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit (AERU), Lincoln University | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder
Focus groups were conducted with year 13 students at six schools to ascertain their perceptions of qualifications offered by Lincoln University.
Respect All People (RAP) Whakamana Tangata Evaluation
Contractor: Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Putanga - National Network of Stopping Violence | Research Team: Sarah Mckay, Ria Schroder, Sue Bagshaw, Kelly Pope, Alice Williams, Rachel McDonald, Cathy Cooper
This project provided an independent evaluation of the RAP Training programme as it was run between 2011 and 2013 In-depth interviews were conducted with people who had attended the RAP training programmes and with young people who had participated in a RAP programme Interviews were conducted in five different locations throughout New Zealand where RAP training had been held. This project built on an initial more quantitative report on the number of trainings held and direct feedback on the workshops, from the participants. (July 30th 2012 Turner, Schroder and Bagshaw).
Rebuilding Christchurch after the Earthquakes: Young People's Perspectives
Contractor: 24-7 YouthWork | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Alice McLean, Mark Turner, 24-7 YouthWork
Since September 2010 earthquakes have impacted on the lives of all Cantabrians. These earthquakes have led to many changes in the city and the lives of its people. In March 2011, 24-7 YouthWork was concerned about the need to include a youth voice in the plans for rebuilding Christchurch after the earthquakes. 24-7 YouthWork enlisted the help of The Collaborative Trust to conduct research with young people to find out how they would like Christchurch to be rebuilt. An on-line survey was designed to find out what is important to the young people of Christchurch and to give them a voice. In total, 4,159 young people responded. Following this, a series of focus groups was conducted to look more closely at some of the issues raised in the survey.
Youth Led Like Minds Like Mine Project
Contractor: Mental Health Foundation | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Sue Bagshaw
The purpose of this research was to explore young people’s perceptions of stigma and discrimination faced by young people with mental health issues, potential solutions to issues identified, and potential leaders/participants for a peer based group to explore the development of initiatives to reduce the problems identified.
Report on a study to investigate the possibility of increasing access to health care for young people in Rural North Canterbury/Waimakariri District
Contractor: Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation (RCPHO) | Research Team: Sue Bagshaw, Sarah McKay
The Rural Canterbury Primary Health Organisation (RCPHO) made a commitment to improve access to health care for adolescents within its population area. They commissioned the Collaborative for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development Trust (The Collaborative), to investigate the health need and suggest ways in which to meet that health need, to improve the health of adolescents. A health survey of year 9 students in four high schools in rural North Canterbury was conducted by nurses especially commissioned for the research. The survey covered health issues, risk behaviours and asked questions to discover risk and resilience factors in the lives of the young people. In addition focus groups were conducted with a random sample of students from each school and with the nurses, to enhance the information gained from the survey.
The Health Needs of Young People in CYF Residential Care
Contractor: Ministry of Health | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Sue Bagshaw
This project was undertaken in conjunction with the Ministry of Health in a background of growing concern about the health of young people in State Care both in New Zealand and around the world. This was a two part project consisting of 1) A quantitative survey of the health needs of young people in Child Youth and Family (CYF) residential care. The main aim of the survey was to ascertain the health status of the young people in residence. The surveys were undertaken with the young people in the two CYF residences in Christchurch and the CYF Youth Justice residence in Palmerston North, and 2) A qualitative investigation into the perceptions that young people, who are currently in CYF residential youth justice or care and protection facilities, have of their wellbeing and current and long term health care needs.

Helping organisations understand what research is relevant
Literature Review: Impacts on Children and Young People of Exposure to Nudity on Television
Contractor: Broadcasting Standards Authority | Research Team: Louise Tapper, Sharon Gardner, Sue Bagshaw, Ria Schroder
The aim of this project was to undertake a narrative literature review examining the impacts on children and young people to the exposure to nudity on television. Read the full Review and the Litmus testing.
Grassroots Stories from a Post Earthquake Environment
Contractor: NZ Red Cross | Project Team: Jane Higgins, Jane Harrison, Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder
This research project was designed to provide an overview of the evidence base for promoting community social connectedness within a context of resilience and preparedness in post disaster environments and to document some stories from Christchurch grassroots communities of their experiences of, the impact on and responses to the Canterbury earthquake sequence.
Christchurch Youth Housing Project
Contractor: Christchurch City Mission and Wayne Francis Charitable Trust | Research Team: Chris Beardsley, Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
This review aimed to work alongside key stakeholders in the Christchurch youth housing community to document the needs of youth in Otautahi and to describe youth housing initiatives being used nationally and in other locations around the world. This information was gathered in order to inform decisions regarding the next steps for youth housing in Ōtautahi.
Psychosocial wellbeing: Communities, families, youth & children (0-18 years): A literature review and qualitative analysis of psychosocial post-disaster adaptation considerations following the Canterbury sequence of earthquakes and aftershocks
Research Team: Amba Sepie, Sue Bagshaw, Ria Schroder, Candace Bobier, Anne Scott
This literature review and analysis was commissioned to focus upon post-disaster and post-traumatic-event literature, targeting children 0-18 years and their families, with a broader mandate to look at the wider psychosocial implications of living within a post-disaster environment. The objective was to capture the current status of research, in the fields of concern, in a manner that could be readily applied to children, youth, families, and the communities in which they live, following the Canterbury sequence of earthquakes and aftershocks beginning September 2010. Where possible, findings were applied to the local context.
Youth AOD Service Development Project
Contractor: Ministry of Health | Research Team: Sue Bagshaw, Louise Tapper, Andrew Curtis, Kate Mang, Candace Bobier and Mel Atkinson
This project was designed to improve alcohol and other drug (AOD) service provision for youth in Canterbury. A review of the literature l provided an overview of best practice using a developmental approach for prevention, early intervention, and treatment for AOD service provision in primary and secondary care across a variety of youth developmental stages. In addition, the perspectives of key stakeholders were gathered to ascertain the developmental appropriateness and accessibility of AOD services in Canterbury.
Youth Co-Existing Problem Resource Literature Review
Contractor: Werry Centre | Research Team: Sue Bagshaw, Ria Schroder, Mark Turner, Kelly Pope
Completed a literature review on the assessment of and intervention for co-existing problems in children and adolescents. This literature review was conducted to provide the background for a resource for practitioners developed by the Werry Centre.
Evaluation to determine if a project will get to its objective
Take Charge Prototype Evaluation
Contractor: Ministry of Social Development | Research Team: Jane Higgins, Sarah Mckay, Ria Schroder and Ihi Research researchers Cath Savage, Hemi Te Hemi and Letitia Goldsmith
The aim was to provide a formative evaluation of the Take Charge Individual Placement and Support (IPS) prototype being run to assist 45 young people aged 18-19 year who had mild to moderate mental health and/or substance use issues and had been receiving income support from the government to move towards sustainable employment.
Anamata Cafe Evaluation
Contractor: Anamata Cafe Inc. | Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Cathy Cooper, Ria Schroder
This project provided a review of services provided by Anamata Café.
Travellers Evaluation
Contractor: Skylight Trust | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Mark Turner, Ria Schroder
The Travellers Programme is an innovative small group programme for young people to build resilience and key life skills. Travellers is an in-school programme that enables young people to learn skills to cope with change, loss and transition and to build their self-esteem and confidence to be able to face life's future challenges. This evaluation examined the short to medium term outcomes of the Travellers programme for the Cohort who participated in the programme two years prior.

Evaluation to measure impact
Youth Week Evaluation
Contractor: Ara Taiohi | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Nicola Morton, Ria Schroder
Youth Week is held annually and is supported by Ara Taiohi to celebrate and recognise the talents, contributions and achievements of local young people from throughout Aotearoa, encourage young people to take on challenges and share their ideas, and to inspire the community to value, support and affirm the diversity of young people in society. This evaluation explored the impact that Youth Week has both on young people themselves, and on the community’s perception of young people in Aotearoa.
New Zealand Defence Forces Time to Lead Project
Contractor: NZDF | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Mark Turner, Ria Schroder
The study explored time use across the Leadership Framework of New Zealand Army Private to Full Colonel.
SCOPE Evaluation
Contractor: Canterbury Youth Workers Collective (CYWC) | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Candace Bobier, Jo Stewart, Ria Schroder
This mixed method evaluation is examined how effective the SCOPE tool is in helping organisations to improve the way they work with youth. SCOPE is a quality improvement tool for youth work organisations.
Te Punanga Haumaru Christchurch Youth 2015/16 Project Evaluation
Contractor: Be the Change NZ | Research Team: Louise Tapper, Ria Schroder
This evaluation assessed the immediate and short term impacts of resources developed by the Te Punanga Haumaru (TPH) Christchurch Youth 2015/16 project on key stakeholders during the development and initial implementation phase and to ascertain future directions for this campaign. The TPH project aims to create positive safe environments for Christchurch communities by reducing the negative impact of bullying on young people in Christchurch, through a pro-social change initiative.
The Mental Health Foundation Canterbury Men’s Health Project Evaluation Report of the Men’s Group Projects
Contractor: Mental Health Foundation | Research Team: Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder, Mark Turner, Candace Bobier, Jimi McKay, Phillip Borrell
The Canterbury Men’s Health Project, among other activities, involved the development of four men’s groups to promote the health of men in the Canterbury region. This project provided an evaluation of the impact of these groups on the health and well-being of the men attending them. In addition, the evaluation included a brief analysis of the process of developing these groups with the aim of highlighting important learnings to assist to improve the roll out of any similar projects in the future.
Evaluation to determine how well staff are doing
Christchurch City Mission Staff Wellbeing Project
Contractor: Christchurch City Mission | Research Team: Jane Higgins, Jo Stewart, Ria Schroder
In 2012 the Christchurch Methodist Mission contracted an independent researcher to gather information about the wellbeing of staff working at the Christchurch Methodist Mission. This involved a survey of all WesleyCare and other CMM staff and conducting interviews with a random selection of staff. Our project replicated this method in order to gather information about the wellbeing of CMM staff in 2016.

Evaluation to design better interventions
Evaluation of a Focused Parenting Service
Contractor: Home and Family | Project Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
This project evaluated a collaborative programme developed by Battered Women's Trust (BWT) and Home and Family (H&F) to deliver parenting/attachment interventions for families presenting at safe house services.
Neighbours Day Aotearoa Evaluation Design
Contractor: Neighbours Day Aotearoa | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
The project undertook to review and redesign the tool(s) used to review Neighbours Day Aotearoa each year. This was done to ensure that relevant and useful data were gathered in the current and future years.
Crossroads Stay Real Evaluation
Contractor: Cross Roads Trust | Project Team: Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder, Jane Higgins
This project was designed to evaluate how well the Cross Roads Trust Stay Real Programme is meeting the needs of at risk young people and their families in the post earthquake Eastern suburbs of Christchurch. It also aimed to identify areas that would improve the effectiveness of the Stay Real programme.
Evaluation of the Presbyterian Support Upper South Island’s (PSUSI) Youth Power Smoking Cessation Programme
Contractor: Presbyterian Support Upper South Island | Project Team: Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder
Undertook a formative and summative evaluation of the Youth Power Smoke Free programme being run by Presbyterian Support Upper South Island.
Homeland Surgical Volunteerism
Contractor: Canterbury Charitable Hospital Trust | Research Team: Candace Bobier, Ria Schroder
The objective of this project was to identify factors relating to homeland surgical volunteerism in order to inform the development of strategies to support and enhance the volunteer surgeon workforce in New Zealand.
What young people need to feel connected and succeed: A content analysis of five workshops held in Greater Christchurch on the theme of a youth charter for the city
Contractor: Strengthening the Youth Sector Group | Project Team: Cathy Cooper, Ria Schroder, Sue Bagshaw
This project evaluated the process undertaken by the Youth Charter Working Group to consult with the greater Christchurch community on their thoughts about a youth charter.
Brief Intervention for Alcohol Use: Utility in a Family Planning Clinic Setting
Contractor: Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) | Research Team: Sue Bagshaw, Sarah McKay, Mark Turner, Ria Schroder
This study, using quantitative and qualitative methods, was designed to ascertain the effectiveness of a brief intervention for alcohol use with clients requesting the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) or a check for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at one of 11 Family Planning Clinics in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Clients’ and clinicians’ perceptions of the BI were also examined. Questions about effectiveness of the BI were addressed using a randomised control design which ensured that study participants were randomly assigned to receive either the active treatment condition (brief intervention for alcohol use) or the control condition (treatment as usual). Clinicians' and clients' perceptions about the use of the brief intervention for alcohol use were obtained through qualitative individual and focus group interviews.

Evaluation that is ongoing
NGO Leadership Programme Evaluation
Contractor: Leadership Lab
Research Team: Jane Higgins, Ria Schroder
This project undertook a developmental evaluation of the 2014 Leadership Development Project being run by Leadership Lab in conjunction with the University of Canterbury and Ministry of Social Development. The following year we provided extended follow up of the programme. The focus of this extended evaluation encompassed the changes experienced by participants and their organisations 6-9 months following completion of the 2014 programme. A third project undertook a developmental evaluation of the 2015 Leadership Development Project being run by Leadership Lab in conjunction with the University of Canterbury and Ministry of Social Development.
Leaders in Community (LINC) Evaluation
Contractor: Leadership Lab | Research Team: Jane Higgins, Sarah McKay, Ria Schroder, Jane Harrison
In mid-2016, a case study to identify key features in the development of the Leadership in Communities (LinC) project was commissioned by the LinC Steering Group (LSG). LinC is a Christchurch based initiative supporting community leaders to fulfil the vision of a greater Christchurch that is characterised by healthy sustainable communities continuing to create an environment for living and loving life. The study explored lessons learned from the development of LinC, focusing particularly on the collaborative governance, collaborative funding and collaborative facilitation processes that were foundational to the project. A second project extended the developmental evaluation of the Leadership in Communities (LinC) project into the second cohort run in 2016. A third project extended the evaluation into the third cohort in 2018.
Youth Hub Evaluation
Contractor: Korowai Youth Trust | Project Team: Ria Schroder, Sarah Mckay, Rachel McDonald, Rachael Godfrey, Brittany Campos, Ashleigh Nicholson, Chelsey McKenzie
This project provided an ongoing process evaluation of the development of the Youth Hub Barbadoes. Two rounds of qualitative interviews were conducted with managers of services originally located within the hub when it was opened in 2011. Data from this project is being used to inform the ongoing development of a Christchurch Youth Hub.

Evaluation to show how a donation was spent
Greater Christchurch Parenting Support Package Evaluation
Contractor: Christchurch Methodist Mission | Research Team: Louise Tapper, Ria Schroder
This project was an evaluation of the collaborative process undertaken by the team involved in the 2015 Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust (CEAT) funded Greater Christchurch Parenting Support Package (GCPSP), a multi-agency initiative focused on supporting the wellbeing of parents in the greater Christchurch area.
Evaluation to understand what’s there and how to use it better
One off funding for Youth One Stop Shops plan for improved AOD service provision and integration
Contractor: Ministry of Health | Research Team: Sue Bagshaw, Louise Tapper, Andrew Curtis, Kate Mang, Candace Bobier, Mel Atkinson, Ria Schroder
This project was designed to provide information to help improve alcohol and other drug (AOD) service provision for youth in Canterbury. A review of the literature was conducted to provide an overview of best practice using a developmental approach for prevention, early intervention, and treatment for AOD service provision in primary and secondary care across a variety of youth developmental stages. In addition the perspectives of key stakeholders were gathered to ascertain the developmental appropriateness and accessibility of AOD services in Canterbury. .
Right Service Right Time Mapping Project
Contractor: Right Service Right Time | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
This project created a map of the NGO services available in Canterbury for children, young people and their families in order to determine the changing need for these services and the capacity of these services to meet this need within the post earthquake environment.
WiseUp Evaluation
Contractor: Christchurch Methodist Mission | Research Team: Sarah Wylie, Ria Schroder
This project provided an evaluation of the Christchurch City Mission's Wise Up programme for children aged 8-10 years. The purpose of this evaluation was to describe what the programme involves and how it is working.