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Youth Voice Report for the Nation Action Plan Against Racism in Aotearoa
"Without Racism Aotearoa Would Be Better" Mokopuna share their experiences with racism and solutions to end it in the Youth Voice Report...

The Young Guerrilla Self: Resistance & Resilience To Create Change
The ‘guerrilla self’ - young people who exhibit an incredible amount of resilience. They don’t accept the system, they try to change it.

Re-thinking Sexuality Education
Doing my PhD in sexuality education has been the biggest challenge of my career and made me question everything around sexuality.

The Use of Social Media
Effects of social media include disappearing communication skills, bullying, and social phobia. But is social media to blame?

Childhood Experiences
There is a lot of research to show that the concept of attachment to a caring adult is very important to adult wellbeing.

To vape or not to vape... Have you been sucked in?
Research showed that vaping was 2–3 times more common than smoking with New Zealand secondary school students. What are we doing about it?
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